Love Dogz
all natural calming remedy
Nature is a wonderful healer
Love Dogz all-natural Calming Remedy helps relieve stress and anxiety in animals. Nature is a wonderful healer. In the wild, animals seek out plants that will improve their health or just make them feel good. Like all living things animals, have unique energetic vibrations and keeping that energy in balance is essential for their well-being. Australian Bush Flower Essence, a form of vibrational medicine, help to process the effects of negative experiences and addresses behaviour patterns that can undermine the well-being of any living creature. There is a significant connection between the emotions and the physical body and by dealing with the emotions the Bush Flower Essences can help the body heal its self. Humans can sometimes block vibrational healing, but animals rarely do, so it can be particularly powerful for them. When we domesticate animals, we remove them from their natural environment and so from the many natural foods and remedies which, in the wild, they would seek out for themselves. The Bush Essence is an effective way to help animals restore natural balance and promote emotional and spiritual healing. They help animals connect back to the healing energies of nature. A dog eating grass is a common example of them not feeling well and provides comfort. Love Dogz Calming Remedy is easy to use just place 7 drops directly into the mouth or into drinking water when your animal is stressed, anxious or unhappy and watch the magic work.
Made with Australian Bush Flowers
Recommended to relieve stress and anxiety in animals. Dosage and Directions: place 7 drops directly into mouth or into drinking water.
Proudly Australian Made and Owned by love dogz
Ingredients: Crowea, Waratah, Bauhnia, Fringed Violet, Angelsword, Dog Rose of the Wild Force.
Calming Remedy
Made with Australian Bush Flowers
Recommended to relieve stress and anxiety in animals.
Dosage and Directions: place 7 drops directly into mouth or into drinking water.
Ingredients: Crowea, Waratah, Bauhnia, Fringed Violet, Angelsword, Dog Rose of the Wild Force.
Proudly Australian Made and Owned by Love Dogz